To my fellow teachers
Do take note of the licence, especially the non-commercial clause, it is present in the footer of every page for easy reference.
What I would consider commercial usage would be :
- Using this material in place of your own, it is fine to reference it, but please if you are being paid to teach, bring your own material to animate class time.
- Selling a partial, or full, access to a repackaged version of the material
Although, if you are being paid around $5 per hour or less, point 1 does not apply, my stuff is yours.
It's ok to "fail" the exercises, learning is what matters
The exercises are meant to challenge your understanding of what you’ve read. If you give it a good try and can't figure out the answer but then understand the solution I’ve provided, that’s a total success because you're learning not producing. The outcome matters way less than undarstanding more. If you still don’t, that would be the moment to call the human who gave you this document or send them an email.
Collapsible blocs in orange are optional content
optional content
just like this! I like curious people But I also like going on stupidly long tangents sometimes which doesn’t solve the problem at hand. With this I can be concise and complete.
... so do what you want ¯|(ツ)/¯
Do not use AIs as a production tool when you are trying to learn!
Let's think about a 7 years old child who has to learn about multiplications. If you had to teach them, would you give them a calculator? What is important there? Finding the correct results? Understanding how it works and the logic behind it?
Finding the correct result is why we use calculators at work and our daily lives, it's effective, but knowing the basics of arithmetics is how we'll detect a false answer when we mistype the operation.
I see AIs (and any of your friend working in programming) through that lens. Technically it's good, it has its place. But our work right now is about understanding, producing is just a nice byproduct for now.
Now, I am aware that some people have techniques to assist their learning using AIs. Usually they use it as some kind of teacher assistant by prompting something like "hey, I have <that> problem, and I don't understand <this> part, please explain". I'm still against that, because it only works when the person asking already has some knowledge they can attach the answer to, and also enough knowledge to detect when the AI is making things up (maybe I'll change stance when this stops happenning).